Monday, February 25, 2013

February 25, 2013 CD 13

Yesterday Trace and I went in for our monitoring appointment. I was really excited to have him with me. My favorite resident Dr. B actually did my US which I thought was pretty neat and she showed me and went over all my numbers. My follicles were still on the smaller side so she said for us to wait another day and then trigger tonight. I'm still worried that they are even to small to trigger tonight. The largest one on the right was a 15.37 and the one on the left was a 12.49. I had one of the US techs at work scan me today and my right had gotten to a 16.5 and they couldn't find my left without going transvaginal. When I asked Dr. B about my small follicles she told me they were still acceptable and that is why they were giving them an extra day to mature. I'm trying to trust them and believe that they will do what's best for me, but it's still hard to see $600 flushed down the toilet every month.

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