Well it wasn't the results I had hoped for, today I took my 14 days past IUI pregnancy test and it was as starkly negative as could be. I was pretty sure this would be the case, but it still sucked. Now I'm just waiting on AF and wondering if I should push for more then 50 mg of Clomid next cycle.
So I decided when I got home to call Cigna and discuss my infertility coverage since my employer switched insurance companies this year. When I was enrolling I noticed that it said fertility medications were included. I remembered being really excited about the fact that something was covered! So last cycle I paid $100 for my trigger shot and I was wondering why since I thought the new insurance covered it. Well after 45 minutes, 3 different department, 6 F bombs, and Trace having to take the phone away from me it was discovered that I have no coverage. This was discovered as I was driving 45 minutes back to work on a call back! Lets just say I am not happy. So as soon as I got to work I looked up our benefits and I found what I had read. "Reproductive Health Pharmacy Expenses" hmmmm..... I'm sure they've worded this in a way to deceive me. Insurance is such a freaking racket!!!!
I'm sorry girl = (