Monday, September 9, 2013

September 9, 2013 29W 5D

Baby Hilburn is officially declaring this her week. Last night she woke me up on numerous occasions doing cartwheels or something. I think she likes to let me know when she isn't a fan of my sleeping position. Only problem is we are starting to run low on positions she likes! She hates sitting in the car too. This morning she's kind of made me nauseated with all the wiggling she's doing. All complaining aside I'm still in awe and amazement every time I feel her. I can't distinguish what's sticking out or poking me though, but I love coming up with theories. 

Thursday I've scheduled a prenatal massage and a 4D ultrasound at a new place in Rome. They are offering 20% off all procedures so I'm pretty excited to get a hour massage for $50. I told my in laws if they wanted to come to ultrasound that they were welcome to and my mother in law said no that me and Trace should just go. Later that evening my father in law was asking when the ultrasound was and my mother in law told him she couldn't remember because she told me they weren't going to go. Father in law said that he wanted to go and that he had only been to one ultrasound. I thought that was so sweet, and I totally don't mind them being there at all.

Saturday is our first shower. We are having a couples BBQ shower and I am so excited! We've had 25 people RSVP so far and of course we scheduled it for the biggest Alabama game of the season like a bunch of dummies. My best friend Andrea is throwing it for us and she's amazing because she's let me help. I love party planning! We worked on a candy bar that is turning out sooooo cute! I'm really looking forward to it, but I haven't even considered what to wear!!! :)

Friday, August 23, 2013

August 23, 2013 27W2D

So much has been going on! Work is insane, we went on a mini vacation to the beach, and we have been non stop at home! It sure is making time fly by! Trace and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary on Wednesday and we were both so exhausted that we spent it being lazy and catching up on the DVR. It was amazing. 

My biggest project right now is our armoire and glider. We purchased both on the longest yard sale and we are redoing them. The armoire is Trace's project and he's in the process of sanding it down and we are going to paint it the same color as the crib and dresser. We got it for $80

I'm working on a glider and ottoman that I got for $20. The cushions are gross and I refused to even sit in it. I'm going to sand and paint it white also, and Judy from CJ's Cozy Cushions is making me new cushions that I am super excited about. I'm going with gray minky fabric that matches our paint perfect! 
Yucky chair

 CJ's Cozy Cushions

 My fabric

Poor baby girl still doesn't have a name. So far nothing has seemed right and Trace hates all our suggestions and he rates them from 1 - 10 and we haven't gotten over a 3 yet! It is driving everyone crazy that we don't have a name. My mother and mother in law are dying to monogram stuff. 

We have our first shower coming up Sept 14. Here are our super cute invites! 

Friday, July 26, 2013

July 26, 2013 23W 2D

I've been super slacking at the blogging thing! Not a whole lot to report though! I have an amazing husband that did an AWESOME job on our nursery. We had our 2nd perinatal appointment and everything looked great. Baby girl is weighing in at 1 pound 6 ounces already! She likes to kick me in the cooch and it's not the amazing "fluttering" feeling I envisioned! 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

June 1, 2013 15W3D

What an awesome day! We had our elective scan to determine our baby's gender, and both my parents and Trace's came along. We got started and my normally super active baby was laying breeched with it's legs crossed, and wasn't interested in moving. I was like seriously!?! Then after rolling all over the table we finally got the view we needed. Girl! I was super surprised! I figured I'd cry, but I think I was just so shocked. 

We left Baby's First Images and went to Babies R Us where Trace and I debated over strollers and of course we had to pick up a few pink items. Trace is going to drive me insane through all this. He is way more opinionated then a man should be about this stuff. 

Then we all went to the Marietta Diner to celebrate which I loved because this is where we would eat after every RE appointment. We walked in and the owner was in the lobby area and we chatted a moment before we ate. Then as we were finishing our meal he came over to check on us and I told him we were celebrating finding out that we were having a baby girl. A few minutes later he arrived with a gorgeous pink cake on the house for us to share. It was a wonderful gesture. 

As we were driving home Trace and I finally got to talk about it and take it all in. Trace said he wished she was already here so when we got home he could lay with her on his chest. Then we discussed all the amazing girl moments we could look forward to like proms and her wedding. Trace said he couldn't wait to embarrass her and be goofy her whole life. It was an amazing awesome day. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

May 12, 2013 12W4D

Today we shared with the rest of our family. Apparently I'm showing more then I thought because it wasn't much of a surprise. There were screams of I told you and we thought so, but everyone was super excited.

 We had our NT scan last week and no signs of downs or any other abnormalities. They are still sending us to ATL to a perinatal specialists since my sister was born with osteogenesis imperfecta and my cousin has dwarfism. They don't suspect anything, but just for peace of mind! During our ultrasound the baby was all over the place. It's hands and feet look just like they ought to and were waving all over the place.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

April 28, 2013 10W4D

We had our first OB appointment this week and it was awesome! The doctor I saw was awesome and he instantly did an ultrasound and I measured right on track and had a strong heartbeat. Then we met in his office where he told me that he knew how hard we worked to get this baby, and they were going to work hard for my pregnancy to go as smooth as possible. This brought tears to my eyes.

That evening Trace met me at work and we had an ultrasound and it was amazing the difference a few weeks makes. Then all of a sudden the baby started dancing and jumping all over. This made me laugh which made the baby bounce even more. So for the second time that day I bawled.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

April 21, 2013 9W4D

Wow. Talk about a super slacker. I blame Trace and the stomach virus. I haven't done shit! No weekly bump pic (Trace hasn't made me the weeks picture), no blogging, nothing! It all started two weeks ago when I came down with the stomach virus. For two days I didn't leave the bathroom and I even had to miss my ultrasound. It was awful. We finally got to the RE and we had our ultrasound and we were finally released. It was great news and very exciting. Then we went home and I slept all weekend and Trace came down with the virus.

I have my first OB appointment this Thursday and I'm sort of excited. I know this is crazy, but I still don't really feel pregnant. I thought that when I finally got released it would sink in, but it still hasn't sunk in. Both our parents know and everyone at my work knows. We plan on telling our grandmothers this weekend.