Well if y'all haven't figured it out yet my husband is not your average male. When we planned our wedding he had way to many opinions. Drove my mother in law and I crazy! Yesterday on the 5 minute trip from our house to our land he was full of useless but hilarious information.
Trace's Rules for a Healthy Pregnancy:
1. No Hot Sauce. "It can't be good for the fetus"
2. I have to ride in the back seat or I have to turn the airbag off to sit in the front. He hasn't figured out how I'm going to accomplish this if I have to drive myself....
I'm sure this list is going to break 100 before we know it. Then we were talking about Nurse Helen that has drove me nutty the past few days, and Trace was trying to describe to me which nurse she was. According to him she is "the old grumpy black lady that always takes him back to rub one out". He then went on to say that it was hard to get excited when she was the last thing he saw. We decided that our clinic should hire a hot blonde in a sexy nurse uniform to take the guys back for their specimen and that she should drop the specimen cup and then bend over all super sexy to retrieve it. That clinic would make millions! I bet the success rates would soar too!
Well today I am officially late! I have my 2nd beta this afternoon and I'm hoping that 60 doubles! I'm still taking test because I'm crazy, and I'm still temping but I think I'm going to force myself to stop because my temps stress me out. Oh yeah! My Pygmy goat is pregnant too!
I'm still testing and temping too. I NEED to stop!! Congrats on officially being late!!