Monday, September 9, 2013

September 9, 2013 29W 5D

Baby Hilburn is officially declaring this her week. Last night she woke me up on numerous occasions doing cartwheels or something. I think she likes to let me know when she isn't a fan of my sleeping position. Only problem is we are starting to run low on positions she likes! She hates sitting in the car too. This morning she's kind of made me nauseated with all the wiggling she's doing. All complaining aside I'm still in awe and amazement every time I feel her. I can't distinguish what's sticking out or poking me though, but I love coming up with theories. 

Thursday I've scheduled a prenatal massage and a 4D ultrasound at a new place in Rome. They are offering 20% off all procedures so I'm pretty excited to get a hour massage for $50. I told my in laws if they wanted to come to ultrasound that they were welcome to and my mother in law said no that me and Trace should just go. Later that evening my father in law was asking when the ultrasound was and my mother in law told him she couldn't remember because she told me they weren't going to go. Father in law said that he wanted to go and that he had only been to one ultrasound. I thought that was so sweet, and I totally don't mind them being there at all.

Saturday is our first shower. We are having a couples BBQ shower and I am so excited! We've had 25 people RSVP so far and of course we scheduled it for the biggest Alabama game of the season like a bunch of dummies. My best friend Andrea is throwing it for us and she's amazing because she's let me help. I love party planning! We worked on a candy bar that is turning out sooooo cute! I'm really looking forward to it, but I haven't even considered what to wear!!! :)